Monday, September 19, 2016

Grand Lodge Grant's Social Media Guidelines [U.G.L.E.]

The United Grand Lodge of England published their Social Media Guidelines and Regulations regarding the proper use and expectations of each individual mason, masonic organization and or entities/administrators with masonic content on their page/platform. For the most part, these are what would be normally expected from a master mason that lives by the tenets of the Craft. It will however be more clear when a non-masonic or masonic group, individual mason, administrator of a masonic entity public announcing their masonic affiliation or otherwise sharing masonic information when they may be in violation of said policies. These guild lines also clear up the personal conduct of a member on their own personal pages. As we’ve said before, “If you taken the responsibility of wearing the apron and making that information public, you must be willing to take the responsibility of acting accordingly while participating online. This might throw a wrench in many of those, “extreme, racial or far left/right political post” we have to unfollow members to avoid.  The Freemasonry Squared Team is excited for the increase of policing of masonic conduct online. It would seem that anyone that has been following our precepts won’t have to do much to continue to fall under the new guild lines. What do you think about the new guide lines? Would you have to watch what you post on you personal private page? Comment below and tell us what you think.