There have been Cowan’s and eavesdropper with malicious intentions that are spreading fictitious stories about the wages that can be obtained through membership into Freemasonry. frankly, that if you join the freemasons, you’ll become rich and powerful… this is false, in more ways then one.
Firstly, The Masonic labors are a labor of love. He who seeks to draw wages in gold, silver or in our case American currency will be disappointed. Simply said, we work hard and long to become better men because we love to do it. A Mason does Not get paid to be a mason. In fact, He has to pay dues to be a member of the fraternity. This also includes the work a mason does inside and out of lodge.
The wages of a mason are earned and paid in the dealings with one another. The payment a masons receives from his charitable deeds is the pleasure of doing good deed amongst his brethren.
Sympathy that begets sympathy, kindness begets kindness, helpfulness begets helpfulness, and these are the wages of a mason. Those deeds of sympathy, kindness and helpfulness are repaid in full when and if the brother master mason is in need.
-W.B. Benjamin Franklin
Many of these rumors and lies are spread through people that are trying to commit fraudulent scams to trick men into giving them their money with the promise of riches. The growth and wisdom gained through years of membership are the riches that a mason receives upon membership. This is far more valuable then gold and silver.
–The Freemasonry Squared Team
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