I ‘am a Freemason, and as such, I do not take it lightly. I study diligently, am heavily involved in my Blue Lodge and extend my cable tow across a variety of organizations that have similar interest. In my studies, I’ve been introduce to our late beloved bro. Arthur Edward Waite, Author of, “ A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry” (1921) and his interruption of “The Hermit”. The Hermit is 1 of the 21 Major Arcana of most Tarot Decks you’ll see. For the Esoteric Mason, the Great Work engulfs and is adapted into the very fabric of each individual decision made. Like the Hermit depicted in the Tarot, He is aloof. The Hermit wandering in the vast nothingness of life, while keeping steadfast the Light that he has earned through his time vested in the Craft. When I would decipher the glyph for myself, I would take the same analogy as mentioned above.
While attending the Sons of Voltaire night at my blue lodge; which acts as an informal educational night for any subject of interest. An elder Mason, a man that I hope to mirror in his ability to brighten a room with jokes and demeanor, decided to give a presentation on the ethical behavior of a master mason. It wasn’t long before it hit me like a ton of bricks. What happens to the Hermit when his light is blown out or faded from time to time? As most have seen in their tenure in the fraternity, even the best and most active masons have bouts of anger, selfishness and masonic short comings. Blue lodge is a place that the Hermit or master mason can come and relight is lantern. Masonic degrees, educational nights and purposeful conversation within your lodge allow those to bring back their focus and mission. Freemasonry boasts of worldwide brotherhood and thus lodge locations. The responsibility and right of master mason is to travel and travel well but why? So that, no matter high or low, far or wide your proximity to your mother lodges. You can rest easy knowing that there is a blue lodge somewhere yonder. A lodge is a place where you can reignite your Light no matter if on vacation or on a business trip. Without your Light you may find your way off the masonic path.
If you’re a master mason that hasn’t been to lodge lately, I admonish to visit and remember why you became a member to begin with because a current dues card may make you a member but it’s the work (not just your own) that make you a Freemason. Remember, it was the elder brothers character which made me pay such close attention to his words.
-The Freemasonry Squared Team
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