Monday, May 30, 2016


Throughout out lives we've be continously taught that we must strive to get things. The materialistic theology of helping others only if they have the means of returning the favor.  Feeding a primordial beast thats only motivation is to consume and keep the flames of desire potent. Even I. Newton's 3rd Law instructs that, "for every actions there is an equal and or opposite reaction". Thus, we stumble through life trying to paint an individualized master piece of what we imagine success looks like. Taking ques from our mother and father, celebrities, business men, etc.

What is truely the goal?

As it stands, the societal definition of success is the accumulation of materials, whether it be cars, clothes, real Estate or money. Even in business, the C.E.O. isn't measured successful until he's managed to bring up profitability and sustainability through their bottom line.

Lets look further into desire. When you want something, it could be described as a hole that's manifested itself inside you. This hole, gently ignites your thoughts and at times, your actions. What happens when you obtain the desired object of affection?  Generally, the hole is satisfied for the time being. That is until... until the hole is born a new but with the next desired material. This is typically cyclic in nature.

This is why Charity is so important!

Freemasonry teaches the tenant of Charity but why? Let's return to the analogy above. Through selfless acts of charity, the flame and hole of narcissism and desire are still in full force but with this difference.  If I was to make dinner for our brother's, knowing that their favorite is steak. I take on the role of giver to my brothers. Yet, something mysterious happens, as the brethren tear into their steak and pay wages for the meal, the hole begins to fill up. At that moment, the brethren reverse the role becoming  the givers of their affinities and thankfulness, which has the power to extinguish the flame of desire.

That's not all, when the hole is fill by materialism, the hole is reestablished by the desire for the next object of affection.  The only way to subdue the hole is by striving to obtain the desired material.  But when the hole is filled with the good will and appreciation of your charitable deeds. The Master mason all but needs to recall to time at which his heart was warmed by the work done in the name of charity. With every recollection, the master can bring back these thoughts and feelings induced.

Freemasonry has begotten a place in which you can do so very easily. The only catch is the Masons intention.  The G.A.O.T.U. in all his beauty ensured deceit would not be tolerated. The will of this is determined by the intend for the charitable act. This means, if the master masons does the charitable act out of the goodness of his heart. He will be paid his wages in unlimited wealth and if the person does so out of any desire to obtain wages then he will have tarnished the act.

Imagine being able to extinguish desire with memory, becoming a better man while doing it and knowing your satisfied with the happiness of service. For thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

(This has been a summary of a full paper written by -Bro. Tom Collians & The Freemasonry Squared Team)

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