Friday, June 24, 2016

Evolution of the Craft

We wanted to give a few tips to Lodges that may not have experience in Facebook, Twitter, and any other forms of Internet based social media. There’s a vast amount of strategies you can utilize to step out of the darkness and into the light of social media. We will share some very simple ways to help get the ball rolling and seen by the vast majority of people that use the internet for convenience and speed.

1.       Setting up a Facebook Page. One thing you’ll need to do is set your Facebook pg. up. There different modes of communication one can use on Facebook so you or your Social media committee will need to know the method they intend to use before doing so. One way to communicate with your brethren is through a Private or even secret Facebook “group”. This ensures that any information shared is only seen by those in the group and to join the group a member already of, must invite you to participate. These methods are good for private communications and have been use in tandem with a Facebook public page. The second method is creating a Facebook business page. You can create events (for degrees, dinners, etc.…) and all the pertinent information that should be communicated to those that are looking for such an organization to participate in. It is important to note that most if not all information that you share on this page should be within the scope of our obligations and formatted to be able to communicate with a potential candidate or even profane. This is because everything posted will be public. Another great thing about a Facebook business page is the ability to verify your page. This is done in your settings and you must have a public telephone number that’s been already published to do so. This option allows others to have confidence in your page and that you’re really a blue lodge.  I will also note that if your lodge takes on the responsibility of creating a Facebook page, ensure you have a designated brother posting relevant information and updating current event happenings within your blue lodge; otherwise what is the point. You don’t want to have your page as abandoned as the old barn in the back. Lastly, you have the option of creating a personal Facebook page. We don’t recommend this, as it doesn’t have the options available to you in the business profile Facebook which has conveniently structured but to each their own.

2., This Method requires a lot of attention, as most that use twitter continue to keep their audience updated in current happenings. This is not to say you cannot use it like Facebook but just keep this in mind. Twitter also has a verification page available to those who set their account up as a business. Just like Facebook you can use a personal profile but just like Facebook we believe the first option is better for your needs.

3.       Google, simply google your lodge and see what pops up… do you see you XML sitemap? Do you see the square box on the right hand side that has the street view of your lodge? In that box should be a suggestion and Own this business link. If you haven’t gained control of your lodge google pg. do so ASAP. You’ll be able to control you public information like, address, number and open times.

 Lastly be sure that your lodge is okay with doing these things before you just start a Facebook, twitter of Google page for your lodge. Remember that everything that is posted on said page reflects the entire fraternity and the blue lodge it represents. You’ll also want to be sure that someone organizes and keeps record of all social media Login ID’s and Passwords. This is to be the responsibility of a master mason ONLY. You don’t want to give the keys to an E.A. and then they fall off the map. This also ensures that if someone needs to make a correction they can do so. We also suggest to only have one - three on any one page as admins. This will eliminate confusion on the page and help keep the main picture as to what you want your lodge to portray.
We hope with these simple tips assist you and your lodge so they may feel a little more confident and your decision to start a social media campaign.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
The Freemasonry Squared Team

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