Thursday, June 9, 2016

What's the energy like in your lodge?

What is your Lodge energy?

Those that have traveled well can vouch that each and every lodge regardless if Grand Lodge or Blue Lodge has a spirit of the lodge, the energy. To clarify, I’m referencing the mood and atmosphere that you get when being in and around a lodge and their brethren.

Many Worshipful Masters have a theme for the duration served in the East. This theme, plan of action or trestle board can beget the life source of your lodge essence. Traveling and having the honor of serving on the Freemasonry Squared Team, we’ve had the opportunity to discuss with both amazing lodge brethren with stories from their Lodge and experiences therein. We’ve also have had discussions with brethren that have been in situations that could have been avoided if the Crafts working tools were used in tandem when finding a solution. 

When a relatively small lodge, seeing  growth in numbers sets their trestle board,  it can be something that’s over looked but is important for the Pillar officers to organize but not micro manage; so that it has room for organic growth. In large lodges, this should be a priority. We at Freemasonry Squared have no delusions as to the work load of the Master of the lodge. Nevertheless, unless you consciously direct these issues, your lodge could be the one that has over 1000+ members and have steak dinners before your monthly stated meeting but you have no recollection of most men you call brothers.

So if  the energy of your lodge is fun and harmonic or you’ve notice a need for more peace and harmony, reflect on the atmosphere of your lodge  because it’s never too late to start a change.

-The Freemasonry Squared Team

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